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Julius was inspired to write GENUS LUPUS (meaning wolf-like creatures) after he read of the mind-boggling exploits of a real-life beast, known as the "Bete du Gevaudan", that terrorised the region of Lozere (then known as Gevaudan) in the 18th Century.


Julius was already intrigued by the sheer isolation and other-worldliness of this region's landscape, it is easy to imagine that some sort of beast could still be haunting its mountains, valleys and woods. Indeed, Lozere is so remote that it is being considered as the site for the reintroduction of wild wolves back into continental France - the first stage in this dream was the opening of a Wolf Park in Marvejols.


So this set him thinking: what would a modern detective in this area do if he began investigating strange occurences, his outlook would almost bound to be coloured or influenced by the region's folklore and history would it not?





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